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I heard Wallace, the head of the merchant's guild, isn't what he seems.

I heard that Nellie, you know the baker's middle daughter, well apparently she accidentally poisoned her husband. Confused the salt with the rat poison she says. Oh he's gonna live, but he won't be able to cheat on her again. Crippled from the waist down dontcha know. Didn't her first husband die?

Ever since that Edwynn kid went missing, people been findin’ little twig men on their doorsteps in the morning.... yeah, little men, made of twigs and bits of string.

The bandits will be back at the end of the week but I don't think I'll ever have enough gold to pay them off.

Catarina, that duke’s maid... she’s been seen meetin’ up with a teifling behind the warehouse down the way... after dark.

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