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Seed: 1569636396

Era: Chadzor

Also known as: The Age of the Bear

Years: 2686

Major Historical Figures:

Johney Eagleblood - Religious Leader
-- Became a saint

Chucky Andershore - Warlock
-- Protected a great leader from a threat

Gregrey Bornhand - General or Commander
-- Famed tactician

Rodman Elderstein - Craftsman
-- Created a legendary item

Anatole Abrew - Artist
-- Thought to be one of the greatest illustrators of all time

Jaison Snakeshore - Witch
-- Commanded an undead army

Brigido Coastson - Treasure Hunter
-- Retrieved a powerful artifact from a tomb

Major Events:
Legendary Beast (dragon, tarrasque, etc)
Extreme Winter (mini ice age)
Flood or Tsunami
Significant religious event (rapture, birth/death of a god, etc)

Civilizations Fell: 1
Plague, Illness, or Famine
Civilizations Rose: 2
Other/Unknown Reason
Economic (maybe found a valuable resource, seceded)

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