Acting/Theatre Acupuncture Alchemy Animal Fascination (one particular species) Antiques Architectural Design Art Astrology Bird Watching Boating/Sailing Bonsai Breeding (pets) Brewing Business Butchering Calligraphy Camping (recreational) Candlemaking Carpentry Cartography Carving/Whittling Collecting Connoisseur Cooking Cosmetology Crafting Criminal Techniques (lockpicking, scams, etc) Dancing Different Customs (or obsessed with one in particular) Diving Dog Obedience Training Drawing Dream Interpretation Etiquette Falconry Farming Fashion Fencing (swordsmanship, not selling stolen goods) Fishing Floral Arrangement Folklore Fortune Telling (throwing bones, reading tea leaves, palms, etc) Game Hunting Gaming (cards/dice) Games of Skill (horseshoes, cornhole, etc) Gardening Gear Aficionado (appreciates quality and unusual designs) Genealogy Geology (rock collecting and identifying) Glassblowing Graffiti Heraldry History Buff Hypnosis Jewelry (define whether it's homemade craft jewelry like beads, or finer jewelry) Juggling Knitting Knot-Tying Law (fascinated by the process and maybe history) Legends/Lore Linguistics Literature Magic (real magic) Magic (parlor tricks) Meditation Mimicry (animal/bird sounds) Music Appreciation Outdoor Survival (fire-building, collecting water, building a lean-to) Painting Paranormal Studies Pets Philosophy Pigeon Keeping (may be homing) Poetry/Haiku Puppetry Reading Recreational Drugs Rope Tricks (rodeo lasso, not magician) Sculpting Sewing Singing Smithing (blacksmithing, silversmithing, etc) Smoking Spelunking Sports (ball games, jousting, log throwing, etc) Storytelling Street Fighting Street Performing (fire eating, living statues, etc) Sweet Tooth Tattoos Taxidermy Theology Toymaking Vocal Impersonations (for fun) Weaving (baskets or thread)